Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Centers

So here's the idea for each center...

picture of smart table in the media center
SMART Table Center
# of Students: 4
In this center, students will explore different theme-related activities including exploring different pictures (and videos) of things, playing matching games, and working on asking & answering yes/no questions in the "narrow it down" activity.  This center will require adult assistance with most of the activities...and to make sure the table is approached and interacted with properly.

picture of a smart board in the media center
 SMART Board Center
# of Students: 6-8
In this center, students will explore different theme-related activities through the interactive features of the SMART board.  This center is one that will likely require adult assistance...not only to make sure the students are using everything properly, but also to model and encourage different language opportunities.

picture of two ipads and two ipods on a table
iListen & iLearn
iListen & iLearn Center
# of Students: 4
In this center, there will be 2 - iPod touches (with headphones) and 2 - iPad2s (also with headphones).  On the iPod touches, students will have the opportunity to explore different listening activities.  These include listening to audio stories and different types of music and sounds.  On the iPad2s, students will be able to learn and practice different skills using a variety of apps.  Each month, there will be different sounds, music, stories, and apps.

picture of the bookshelf and chairs in the read to me center
Read to Me
Read to Me Center
# of Students: 4
In the Read to Me Center, students will have the opportunity to use two pieces of technology to interact with theme-related books.  Two students will be able to use the Franklin AnyBook - a pen-like device that works with 'dot' stickers that are recorded and placed inside books.  Students using this device can "read" books at their own pace, turning pages and touching the dots as they wish.  The other two students will have the opportunity to listen to books on the iPod touches (with headphones).  This center will require some adult assistance initially...but, it is my hope that this support can be faded as students begin to understand what they are to do.

picture of the computer and printer in the media center
Computer Center
# of Students: 2
In the Computer center, students will work in pairs (or individually) on literacy and pre-writing activities.  The activities will be theme-based and often incorporate the  use of different types of assistive technology devices such as a touch monitor, IntelliKeys (and adapted keyboard), and switches.  This is a center which should be accessible to all of our students.  Again, initially, participation in this center is going to require some adult support.

I'm very excited to get this up and running...but it's a lot of work to get started.  I hope that we will be able to start having classes visit us after Labor Day.  

It is also my hope to make weekly updates to this blog that include samples of things created by the students and stay tuned!

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